"Melt" - Dedicated To My Love of Life !_!

Written by Jeet on Sunday, September 27, 2009 at 9:34 AM

Nobody has ever done this,
Possibly...nobody could have done this,
Unknowingly... But you have done ,
Unknown... Not only for you,
but for me too.
It happened,Just happened,
So slowly... That even I could not
hear the sound of,
Sound of something,
something... of steps,
Steps.. of the change,
That was making its way invading my heart,
Invasion...? Perhaps....
But a piece of stone can not be invaded.
Was it a dew-drop...?
A soft,gentle and innocent drop,
That has the power to melt
even the diamond,
Made my heart start melting,
And now where, there used to be stone,
There is left only liquid,
That flows through the way of eyes.

My Lonliness

Written by Jeet on at 8:28 AM

I thought of something..
Something that could never be realized,
I was such a fool that
I was running after mirage,
The thing that never exists,
A beatiful dream that was practically immposible
The result was quite obivious....
A long and dark silence ...
In already doomed life...
The impact was so harsh that
Tears seemed to dry up..
When they came ,did not cross the brim of eyes,
Kept poking the eyes from within...
Moreover they doesnt come alone...
Bring the loneliness along...
To increase the depth of pain.

About the author

One of the most entrapping question indeed!!! Anyways, I believe in logic and reason.Seldom, I am swayed by the emotions. I am actually, a bit choosy about the relationships n friends and once they are then they are for good. I hate lies n liars. Matter of fact, I am very straight-forward and practical. Live life on my own standards. I hate being stick to conventional and senseless established beliefs.